Whenever an appliance is connected to a water supply, there are certain risks involved. The amount of water that can leak from a slow leak over time or from a disastrous break in a short period of time can do a lot of damage. This is why it is important to have these appliances installed by someone who knows what they are doing as well as handled with care if they are moved around. If at all possible, you should make it part of your maintenance schedule to check their water supply and drainage lines for leaks regularly.

A common problem with dishwashers is that the water lines are hiding behind cabinets and similar items, making it difficult to check. A slow leak that isn’t noticed can lead to wood rot and mold growth, eventually becoming a serious and expensive problem.

If you start noticing water in some areas in your kitchen around your dishwasher, you should pull it out and ensure that any leaks are taken care of as soon as possible.

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